I spent yesterday terribly uncomfortable…….I allowed myself to sit in the discomfort of palpable anger, despair, hopelessness, sadness, and uncertainty. I pictured my two boys in the hands of another calling out to me for help, while their lives were being taken, and tears streamed down my face for the unjust police brutality and acts of racism that are still taking place today in our country. I SPENT ONE DAY. That’s ONE DAY compared to A LIFETIME of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) suffering in this way.
The majority of my audience are white, and so I want to speak openly and honestly to you. For those who are BIPOC reading this now I see you, I am sorry, and if you have the energy to share with me your thoughts I am here to listen, hold space, reflect and learn.
I was involved in a situation where the ignorance of my white privilege provided me a spring board to learn. I said all the wrong things and didn’t understand why nobody understood. I defended my ignorance with statements like, I am not racist, I am inclusive, I wholeheartedly love. Those things are true about me, AND I have white privilege. I was unaware that it’s not enough to be those things, its not enough to be a “good white” person. We must educate ourselves so that we can take action and use our white privilege to create change in our country.
Racism is not political.
It is not a ‘thing’ that exists outside of us.
It is personal, and we must discuss it because it impacts all areas of our lives.
Our systems were built on a racist foundation, and continue to function in that way.
If we are claiming to be on a journey towards true oneness, as we evolve, we must address this.
I commit to doing the work.
I promise to take in more information about how I can do better, and if you benefit from privilege please join me on this journey.
I am taking this week to brainstorm on how I can be a leader in this movement, and I welcome community to do this work with!
To start, here is a reading list to begin our education.
Also, if you have resources that you feel are helpful please post them on our Facebook page @dragonfireyoga
I’m including my latest yoga video uploaded to YouTube. It seems pretty nominal at this point to discuss anything smaller than the current situation on hand, however, I know that part of the reason I am who I am today is due to the practice of yoga and its deeper teachings. Moving my body with intentional breath helps me to soothe emotions and get in touch with my vital energy that can support something as big as we need to support. I hope you’ll utilize these videos as a part of your support too!
Look forward to a new in person teaching schedule, online learning opportunities, and more!
With love,
This is really moving, Laura. I appreciate the depth and honesty of your reflection, and mostly your commitment to take action. Thank you and Love,
I love it. Thank you for leading the way. I am definitely interested in following in your footsteps.