I’ve resisted a post about the current situation we are in because I wanted to try and retain some normalcy, however, that time is past and I can feel the angst accumulating in my body. I was comforted by the words and practice provided by my teacher yesterday. Therefore, I humbly come to you today to share a few things. The first that comes to me is that the only thing constant is change.
We are surrounded by change
This is a drastic change to the world as we know it, and inevitably this will change. WHAT WE FEEL TODAY WILL CHANGE. For the last month, I have felt deeply led by a force greater than myself and I have reached out to the people in my life seeking deep conversation and connection. What is happening now is all in order. We are moving out of a time ruled by earth and into a time ruled by air, and like anything that has life, it does not go out quietly. I am not saying that we or our planet will be destroyed or anything dramatic in nature. I am simply saying we are feeling the effects of a shift and when you think about the earth as life in comparison to the human being — the effects are going to be dramatic!
What’s happening? We have spent 250 years using what the earth has provided to build an amazing interconnected world to live in. It’s been built. Do you notice how many things have been invented to stay connected regardless of your location? I can talk to my mom in Ecuador and see her and feel her via FaceTime. It has taken a tremendous amount of resources along the way to make these things happen, not to mention, everything else that has taken place over the last 250 years.
It’s time for a refresh
It’s now time to replenish. Each generation is interconnected and shaped by the previous one, and all too often we course-correct too dramatically. You can see that in many facets of society. Our current younger generation is ready to take action on the damage we have done!
We are now forced to pay attention, slow down, look around. I notice more families outside, walking, riding bikes, playing games. I notice people posting about board games, puzzles, books. These are the things my generation has tried to keep alive for our children as technology has taken over. These things are being “prescribed” by our physicians because the current way we are living isn’t working.
Could the scale be moving toward balance by natural cause? It’s interesting to think about.
I say all of these things while I feel the underlying pulsation of fear in my body.
How to refuel
I don’t have the answers, but what I do have is a practice that supports me. We need to nourish ourselves to support our immune system and we need techniques to support our fluctuating minds and emotions so that we stay grounded and calm amongst the chaos.
There is no better time than now to pause and ask, what have we been doing and where CAN we go?
I will be posting short movement, breath and meditation practices within the next few days. Please use them to support your system!
Once again, we share an incredible connection. I found some peace yesterday, say aloud, our Mother Earth is self-cleaning. Our air is becoming more breathable. The canals in Venice have turned back to glass clear. She is healing.
Thank you. My anxiety has been level 10 with all of the uncertainties. This perspective offers so much comfort.